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Parenting Leadership


Works with pregnant and parenting women, fathers, their children and other caregivers. This 12-week series of day or evening education and skill-building workshops help them be better parents.

Safe Dates
Safe Dates

The Safe Dates Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program (Safe Dates)  is the only evidence based curriculum that prevents dating abuse and helps teens recognize the difference between a caring, supportive relationship versus a controlling, physical, or verbal abusive dating relationship. The overarching goal of Safe Dates is to “Stop Dating Violence Before it Begins.”


 Program Goals include:

  • To raise student awareness of what constitutes healthy and abusive dating relationships

  • To raise student awareness of dating abuse and its causes and consequences

  • To equip students with the skills and resources to help themselves or friends in abusive dating relationships

  • To equip students with the skills to develop healthy dating relationships, including positive communication, anger management, and conflict resolution

Girls Circle
Girls Circle 

Empowers girls, 12-19, to take advantage of their talents, academic interests, career pursuits and potential for healthy relationships. Girls are encouraged to share, so that they can learn from one another’s experiences, as well as feel heard within a safe and caring group.





Kids Don’t Gamble:
Wanna Bet?
Kids Don’t Gamble:
Wanna Bet? 

A 4-session series of workshops for students in grades 3-8 that discourages underage gambling through improved critical thinking and problem solving. 
Studies conducted worldwide have found the average problem gambler started gambling at age 10.
Gambling can be a damaging addiction, causing loss of interest in school, work, friends and family. 

Peers Making Peace

Peers Making Peace (PMP) is a peer-mediation program designed to handle conflicts both in and out of school and to help maintain drug-free schools. The goal of the program is to improve school environments by reducing violence, assaults, and discipline referrals and by increasing academic performance. It is designed to work with students in prekindergarten through 12th grade.

Peers Making Peace
Gambling Away
The Golden Years
Gambling Away
The Golden Years
Gambling Away The Golden Years

Gambling Away The Golden Years is an evidence-based, interactive workshop focused on problem gambling prevention among older adults and is conducted in partnership with churches, senior centers  and housing complexes throughout the community at large. 


Goals: To increase awareness and knowledge of risk factors, while also providing referrals to addiction treatment and support.

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